Coding courses or the new tech snake oilSome online ads promise quick coding mastery and high-paying jobs, but beware: many are scams. Learn to spot them!Feb 20, 2024Feb 20, 2024
The power of asking questions in Software Development leadershipHow asking questions may make a better leader or on the other hand how asking wrong questions may erode one’s status.Aug 10, 2023Aug 10, 2023
The Kotlin vs Java issueHow making too many Java comparisons may actually hurt Kotlin.Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
5 Java coding beginner tipsJust a few guidelines any Java beginner should be aware of when codingFeb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Legacy code — keep your sanityWhat roughly makes up a legacy and how these issues can be handled to soften the criticism and make one’s work-life a little bit better.Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
A software developer mentor’s advice to menteesAs a software developer, there is a high possibility of finding yourself in a mentoring relationship. Whether it is a formal or informal…Jan 23, 20211Jan 23, 20211